Photography, for me, is not just about creating a pleasing or interesting picture.
It's also about the story behind the photo - the sounds, the sunlight, the atmosphere. The reason you press the shutter release in the first place.
It's about the reason you headed for that particular spot, or why you decided to pick up the camera on that particular day and time and what you wanted to achieve.
Through my camera, I have discovered a way to disengage, relax and escape the pressures and worries of everyday life. Photography gives you a chance to get out in the fresh air, in the countryside, to appreciate the environment around you, and most importantly to be creative and take time for yourself!
I have been drawn to taking photos for a long time, but it is only in recent years that I truly discovered the pleasure I could get from photography. I found myself often saying “I’d really like to learn photography properly”. Then the opportunity arose to work abroad in The Hague, in The Netherlands. The decision of whether to take the job or not was an excruciating one for me – while I knew I was at a point where I needed a change and a challenge, I feared the consequences of making a mistake. To help me cope with the new environment, my father bought me the Sony A58 DSLR camera and some lenses to give me something to learn and focus on in those difficult moments of aloneness in a new city.
And for a while, I did exactly that. Anyone who knows me, knows I love to travel and I lived my first months almost as a tourist, visiting all the museums and highlights of the city and beyond. But grasping how to use the camera was a challenge, and other activities and eventually some work-related studies got in the way.
Then, a couple of years ago, I started an online course which completely gripped me and I realised I had a true passion for photography that had been hiding and just waiting to get out (I'm an Institute of Photography Distinction student - you can read about me on their website here).
I love light, colours and warmth but also serenity, peace and tranquillity and moments of reflection. I hope that when you look at my pictures, that they create those kinds of feelings for you. It’s all about escape and a moment of relaxation; exactly what I get from being out and about taking them.
My photographs are also about observing the environment and, whilst I consider myself very early on my photographic journey, I hope to develop my style more and more as I go along. I would love for you to take that journey with me and share with me your thoughts and ideas on the results.
Recently, I have also become interested in street photography and invested in the Leica Q2, a great camera for this pastime. You can also see my street photography on the site. The Hague, with its multicultural, historical and international feel has provided great inspiration for this. I hope that when you view my street photos, you'll feel the atmosphere of the places I capture as I do.
I am simply an enthusiast who has discovered a passion and a medium of expression. I hope you enjoy my work and I encourage you to seek out your own passions and ways to relax!
Reach out and share your own perspectives on the photos, and I hope they inspire you the way they inspire me when I capture them.
Welcome and enjoy,